Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Judgment Day, by Paul Collins; The Struggle for Life on Earth.

Paul Collins is the author of eleven books on religion, the environment and history. He lives in Canberra, Australia. This book is a powerful warning of the perils of global warming and a mobilization of the Christian conscience to change our thinking, our ways of acting, and so to save our planet.

Anonymous remarks: "The recent Gulf oil spill is just the latest depredation against the planet. From every direction come signs of global change and other forms of ecological disaster that threatens the future of all living beings. In this sobering assessment of our condition, Paul Collins examines the nature of this crisis and how we got here--including a review of the mental habits of thought, including religious worldviews, that have contributed to our dilemma and continue to inhibit effective action."

"As Collins shows, if religious ideas have contributed to the problem, there are also powerful resources within the Christian tradition that can help us--both in scripture and in the work of prophetic "geolo-gians" like Thomas Berry and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Drawing on these resources, Collins lays out the elements of a theology aimed at saving the earth and ourselves."

My additions: Besides the frightening reality of global warming, drastic climate upheavals and changes throughout the world and the equally frightening fact regarding the continually increasing pollution of the earth's atmosphere, land, water and all other resources, and the many thousands of species that are rapidly disappearing from the earth--factors of the present earth crisis that are addressed by most ecologists and environmentalists, Collins includes a chapter on world population, showing that the majority of countries are fast approaching (or exceeding) populations much greater than their carrying capacity--and the populations of most of these countries are steadily increasing. This factor of over-population alone is nearly impossible to solve in a morally acceptable manner.

Read Judgment Day, and see how enormous are the challenges to keeping our earth healthy and alive.

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